.....Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses....

....prve zrake sunca i tada sam bila odavno odlučila......gle znala sam.......i hvala ti na onom današnjem volim te.....makar mi je malo otežalo stvari.....ako te tješi i ja volim dio tebe.....samo se sjeti......

.......You're dangerous 'cause you're honest
You're dangerous, you don't know what you want
Well you left my heart empty as a vacant lot
For any spirit to haunt...........

i hvala ti na tome.......

al jebiga krivo vrijeme........krivo mjesto.....krivi ljudi..........

Sometimes I feel like I don't know
Sometimes I feel like checkin' out
I want to get it wrong
Can't always be strong
And love it won't be long...

Oh sugar, don't you cry
Oh child, wipe the tears from your eyes
You know I need you to be strong
And the day is as dark as the night is long
Feel like trash, you make me feel clean
I'm in the black, can't see or be seen

Baby, baby, baby...light my way
(alright now)
Baby, baby, baby...light my way

You bury your treasure
Where it can't be found
But your love is like a secret
That's been passed around
There is a silence that comes to a house
Where no one can sleep
I guess it's the price of love
I know it's not cheap

(oh, come on)
Baby, baby, baby...light my way
(oh, come on)
Baby, baby, baby...light my way


Baby, baby, baby...light my way

I remember
When we could sleep on stones
Now we lie together
In whispers and moans
When I was all messed up
And I had opera in my head
Your love was a light bulb
Hanging over my bed

Baby, baby, baby...light my way
(oh, come on)
Baby, baby, baby...light my way

[Repeat 4 times]

Baby, baby, baby...
Baby, baby, baby...
Baby, baby, baby...light my way
[Repeat 3 times]

Baby, baby, baby...light my way

2† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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.....it moves in mysterious ways.....

In the days
When we were swinging form the trees
I was a monkey
Stealing honey from a swarm of bees

I could taste
I could taste you even then
And I would chase you down the wind

You can go there if you please
Wild honey
And if you go then go with me
Wild honey

Did I know you
Did I know you even then
Before the clocks began time
Before the world was made

From the cruel sun
You were sheltered
You were my shelter and my shade

If you go there with me
Wild honey
You can do just what you please
Wild honey

Yeah, just blowing in the breeze
Wild honey
Wild, wild, wild

I'm still standing
I'm still standing where you left me
Are you still growing wild
With everything tame around you

I send you flowers
Could flowers thaw you heart
I know your garden is full
But is there sweetness at all

What is soul
Love me
Give me soul

If you go then go with me
Wild honey
Won't you take me, take me please
Wild honey

Yeah, swinging through the trees
Wild honey
Wild, wild, wild

....eto ga što si rekao duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugo vremena nije bila ovako ugodna večer......hvala ti.....:)
.....i tako ovo je inače osoba koja sam nedavno upoznala i zbilja je posobna.......jeste li ikad upoznali osobu s kojom se jednostavno apsolutno razumijete........e ovo je moja takva soba ..........nakon jako dugo vremena........večeras mi je bila jedna od najboljih večeri.........hvalja.........U2 je zakon.......................tralalallalallalallalalalalallalalalalla...............napokon pošteni muški frend.........kako spada.......koji kuži sve.............jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejjjjjjjjjj......

Summer stretching on the grass... summer dresses pass
In the shade of a willow tree creeps a crawling over me
Over me and over you stuck together with God's glue
It's going to get stickier too...
It's been a long hot summer
let's go undercover
Don't try too hard to think... don't think at all

I'm not the only one starin' at the sun
Afraid of what you'd find if you took a look inside
Not just deaf and dumb i'm staring at the sun
Not the only one who's happy to go blind

There's an insect in your ear if you scratch it won't disappear
It's gonna itch and burn and sting
Do you want to see what the scratching brings
Waves that leave me out of reach
Breaking on your back like a beach...
Will we ever live in peace?
Cause those that can't do often have to
Those that can't do often have to... preach

To the ones staring at the sun...
Afraid of what you'll find if you took a look inside
Not just deaf and dumb... staring at the sun
I'm not the only one who'd rather go blind

Intransigence is all around... military is still in town
Armour plated suits and ties... daddy just won't say goodbye
Referee won't blow the whistle God is good but will HE listen
I'm nearly great
But there's something I'm missing I left in the duty free
Though you never really belonged to me

You're not the only one staring at the sun
Afraid of what you'd find if you stepped back inside
I'm not sucking my thumb I'm staring at the sun
Not the only one who's happy to go blind

0† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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.........all the promises we made from the cradle to the grave.......

..eto ga....sve novo..........i tako trenutačno se pogledalo do kraja:


lost universe


witch hunter robin

wolfs rain


....i tako popunjava se kolekcija anime....

0† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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....smješno je što čovijek koji me poznaje 6.g. danas je prvi put vidio moje lice.....
....smješno je što sada ovo pišem u 2 h ujutro....
....smješno je što tom prijatelju neke stavari se ne govore u lice jer je preemocionalan....
....smješan je moj sustav vrednovanja ljudi....trenutno ga proispitujem....
.....smješno je što su ljudi glupi.....
.....smješno je što sam prije bila bolja osoba....
.....smješno je kako život teče dalje....
.....smješno je što sam prije znala bolje se smijat, bolje plakat, bolje voljet....
....smješno je što u jednom trenutku mogu osjećat ništa i sve....
.....smješno je što sam učinila kako sam htjela....
.....smješno je što ću te uništit.....tako jer mi se da....trenutno barem.....
.....smješno je što sam se danas sjetila moje najdraže igračke.....a bio je tako zgodan....
.....smješno je kako ljudi održavaju svoje iluzije kao npr. gore navedeni frend......
.....smješno je što uništenje jedne iluzije mogu srušit jedan svemir acordin to someone I know.....
.....smješno je sve je to toliko urnebesno smješno za popizdit.......
............a znate što je najsmješnije od svega što sam ja sretna ......jebiga vi patite.........

A man will rise
A man will fall
From the sheer face of love
Like a fly from a wall
It's no secret at all

It's no secret that the stars are falling from the sky
The universe exploded 'cause of one man's lie
Look, I gotta go, yeah I'm running outta change
There's a lot of things, if I could I'd rearrange

3† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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....što za reć....osim hope i never see you again....

....eto vratila se s svetog duha....sjela zapalila duvan.....i što trebala bi premišljat o životu i počet suze lit....zašto?....been here done this.....i preživjela.....evo pušin duvan....i sjedin.....i gledam kroz prozor .....kiša je bila padala.....zanimljivo je što kako su godine prolazile te neke stvari su me prestale dirat.....tip kad sam bila dijete običan snjeg me razveselio.........sada me snjeg birne na bazi koliko ću morat čekat tramvaj......ma najiskrenije ne znam što da napišem.....

You say you want diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want your story to remain untold

But all the promises we made
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you'll give me a highway with no one on it
A treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night

You say you'll give me eyes in a world of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest

But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

You say you want your love to work out right
To last with me through the night

You say you want diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold

All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you

All I want is...you
All I want is...you
All I want is...you

1† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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....silver and gold ...

>...."Too late
To drag the past out into the light
We're one, but we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other

Have you come here for forgiveness
Have you come to raise the dead
Have you come here to play Jesus
To the lepers in your head

Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it's all I got
We're one
But we're not the same
Well we
Hurt each other
Then we do it again".....

...........mmmmmmmmm........evo u ovo gluho doba noći došla s u2 tribjuta iz purgeraja, jednoj od zagrebačkih rupa kojoj podhitno treba klima..........i nije bilo važno što se vokla nije pojavi, pa je lik koji je pjevo umjesto njega nije znao riječi..............nije bilo važno što smo se ja i moja najdraža najglasnije čule..............bilo nas je 5 koji smo znali sve i svi smo bili imali toliku količinu poštovanja.....klinci su bili klinci jedino su znali vertigo......a jadni...........bend je sviro dve čuke, čak ni to nije bitno............nije bitno što su zadnja dva mjeseca u kurcu.............nije mi bila ni bitna didina smrt....................nisu bili bitni ni problemi s dragima međusobnim.................bilo je bitno što smo nas dvije bile na u2 tribute i znali sve i popile neke dve l pive i tekilicu popola....čak je i mjesec lijepeš sjao kad smo se vraćale doma.....party girl iz naših usta je čak prejebeno zvučala {iako uvijek zvuči katastrofalno..............}

mjesec koji najsjajnije sja nakon u2-a :)

........bilo je prejebeno....krenule smo nadrkano jer smo međusobno kasnile....sve je bilo ukurcu, neispavanost, ispiti, nisam se čak ni stigla oprat, zajebane ispričnice,itd.......i onda smo došle udarile po veselom satu....oni su počeli svirat....počeo se čut u2.....prejeben izbor pjesama.....bend u kurcu....al U2 je U2.......aaaaaa....takvi izlasci su mi nedostajali......:).................

ja i najdraža usred gužve meteža i najboljih trenutaka..............mmmmmmmmm.....U2...............

.........kasnije smo se igrali u parkiću ispred njezine zgrade fakat su ga zakonski uredili..............skakala sam trampolin i ja i ona.....ful zakon je.............

skoči zeko

..........i evo nakon pun k vremena ležem s takvim osmjehom na licu.......presretna..........:)

In the shit house a shotgun
Praying hands hold me down
Only the hunter was hunted
In this tin can town
Tin can town

No stars in the black night
Looks like the sky fell down
No sun in the daylight
Looks like it's chained to the ground
Chained to the ground
The warden said
The exit is sold
If you want a way out
Silver and gold

Broken back to the ceiling
Broken nose to the floor
I scream at the silence, it's crawling
It crawls under the door
There's a rope around my neck
And there's a trigger in your gun
Jesus say something
I am someone, I am someone
I am someone

Captain and kings
In the ships hold
They came to collect
Silver and gold
Silver and gold

Seen the coming and going
Seen them captains and the kings
See them navy blue uniforms
See them bright and shiny things
Bright shiny things

The temperature is rising
The fever white hot
Mister, I ain't got nothing
But it's more than you got

Chains no longer bind me
Not the shackles at my feet
Outside are the prisoners
Inside the free
Set them free
Set them free

A prize fighter in a corner is told
Hit where it hurts
Silver and gold
Silver and gold

2† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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Dok hodamo gradom korak po korak,
reci mi dušo da li sam ti još drag,
Reci mi dušo s kime dijeliš sne,
stvorena ti si samo za mene.

Dok hodamo gradom korak po korak i
po nama pada kiša kap po kap,
krijem ti glavu kao dijete goluba,
skrivam te od svih muških pogleda.

Jer ljubav je tako slijepa,
za tobom bi na kraj svijeta
korak po korak,korak po korak.
I svaki put kad ti kažem
volim te,ti pobjegneš daleko od mene,
korak po korak,korak po korak.

Dok hodamo gradom korak po korak,
o reci mi dušo da li sam ti još drag.
O reci mi dušo s kime djeliš sne,
stvorena ti si samo za mene...

1† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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......You had so much to offer, Why did you offer your soul?....

>"I was there for you baby
When you needed my help
Would you deny for others
What you demand for yourself?"

....da priznajem očekivala sam da će mi biti vraćeno, da će netko pružit ruku, al jebiga neće....takav je život...neprospavane noći, prekomjerno konzumiranje duana i tableta......kako može da budeš toliko u pravu, a toliko u krivu.....makoliko grozno bilo ma popadala sve jebiga isplati se trenutno.....
Aaaahw, just a little bit longer
Please, please, please
Please, please
Tell me you're going to }
....kako objasnit, kako počet objašnjavat nešto što ni sama ne mogu sebi predočit......ponekad je bitna ona sitnica....onaj trenutak.....ono što će te pratit, a da ni sam nećeš znati.....i onda u jednom trenutku mirisili pokret ili boja će te vratit na taj jedan mali trenutak, ma djelić sekunde, a ti ćeš znati tada sam bila apsolutno sretna.....to sam doživila danas.....godinama nisam osjetila tako nešto.....al bilo je dobro, bezbrižno, aaaaaaaaaaaaaa, feel so good, u trenutku najvećeg mojeg očaja desilo se nešto......osjetih da sam živa i hvalja ti na tom.....al ja i dalje ostajem pri svojem, pa makar umrla......

"You speak of signs and wonders
I need something other
I would believe if I was able
But I'm waiting on the crumbs from your table

You were pretty as a picture
It was all there to see
Then your face caught up with your psychology
With a mouth full of teeth
You ate all your friends
And you broke every heart thinking every heart mends"

0† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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.....do podne mrzim sebe, a od podne cijeli svijet.....

.....eto ga......evo napisala sam nešto.....

1† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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....."Jean-Luc! It's so good to see you again. How about a big hug?" by Q.....

"As I experience certain sensory input patterns my mental pathways become accustomed to them. The inputs eventually are anticipated and even 'missed' when absent."

....Spusti se ko lopov
Po zicama
Ruke mi napuni
Tvojim sitnicama
I tesko prodje
Sve to.....

"We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile. We are the Borg."

"You're dead, this is the afterlife -- and I'm God"

1† Cast the spell... and join the Death...
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...† Komentari: On/Of †...

Opis bloga

Moje borbe s tamom i svjetlom,
drugim riječima:
A new heart is what I need
Oh God, make it bleed
Is there nothing left.. tako je bilo jednom davnom,
sada je:
"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've
never been hurt.
And dance like no one is watching."

msn: valeandra306@hotmail.com
deviant art:
u izradit.....


daenerys- ... jednom davno bilo je....blabla
đera- ....u nastajanju.....iliti nema odmora dok traje obnova...wink
YS iliti Korn_boy- ... he he moja muška barbikica koju puno voljim i koja me nikad nije razočarala....cool
muva- prozac!!! Prozac!!!! Ma šalim se zakonska ženska, a i veri kul!!!

irac- majku mu njegovu flashovsku!!!!, al nažalost presto pisat, al nostalgija, znate . . .naughty
marz i beta- moji zadarski pmf-ovci, pametni ljudi . . .kiss

krvi i moji punksi:
muška žalopojka- svi ga znamo!!!! Jebe lik kad je pijan ili trijezan!!!!!party
bronx- punk!!!!rolleyes
grašo- evo moj plišani medo s uzicom za vibracijueek
